Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jentry's Halloween Party

We decided to be brave this year and have a Halloween party! It was alot of fun,games and candy, prizes and candy pinata and more candy, dancing,twister oh and did I mention CANDY! I made Frankenstein brownies, wich were a hit. We had green bubbling punch,the kids thought it was cool! All in all I think they had a great time! A big thanks to my husband who stuck around and helped me! And boy am I glad it's over!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Where does the time go?

So I can't believe it Jentry graduated from kindergarten.I don't remember him growing up so fast I swear we were just potty training him last year.Now he rides the bus to school all by himself, he has a social life and girls OH MY the girls I see trouble in our future already!
They had the cutest little program,I love it when the kids sing some of them are hilarious.Of course Jentry just kept looking at me and rolling his eyes like he was to cool for the whole thing!It makes me sad and proud at the same time.So we have twelve more years to go,let's hope the time doesn't fly by as fast this time.
It just goes to show you that you really should cherish every moment because one day your going to turn around and they will be all grown up and moving on!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day 2009

I know it's been forever since i posted anything so here you go!
For mothers day we had a BBQ on saturday with some family and on sunday we went to Boon Docks. My brothers Korey and Derik came and my niece Quinn and of course my two wild boys!! The kids had so much fun(this includes my brothers, they are just big kids)they raced the go karts and battled each other in the bumper boats! Then it was inside for video games and laser tag! I ran around chasing Mason who only wishes he was older but he had fun playing on all the car video games! All in all a great Mothers day weekend, it would have been a perfect weekend had my husband been able to enjoy it with us. But he did manage to send me a beautiful boquet of roses (Thanks Honey)!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Pay It Forward
(I stole this idea from a friend)
The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a gift from me during this year.When and what it will be is a surprise.There's a small catch...You knew there would be didn't you? Post this on your blog then come back and leave a comment, telling me you're in. So that means you are committed to doing it to three people.....Fun, huh? Remember, only the first 3 comments receive the gift or treat. Let's see who looks at my blog!I may not have your home address, so please tell me your e-mail so I can GET your home address! :)This should be fun!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spring Fever!

So I don't know how you feel but my family can't wait till spring! We actually got a little taste of the warmer days or I think it was more like a tease from mother nature. But either way we tried to take advantage of it.
Jentry was so excited he got to go outside and shoot his bb gun,as much as the dog would let him she likes to bite him and the gun! We still stand by the fact that our little Holly dog is well "Special"!And then of course we had to play ball, any kind of ball we could find,baseball and football the soccer ball has taken to hiding since winter showed up.We are a little worried Jentry's swing has gotten a bit better this year so we hope that we keep all of our windows intact this summer!
Little Mason has never been able to walk outside without snow on the ground so he was in seventh heaven running around the back yard!His activities consisted of dragging around the snow shovel and carrying the bat, he always seems to be carrying something around but it is usually in his mouth!I believe he is going to be an outside kid because he screamed for five minutes when I made him come in the house.
Sadly when I woke the next day I looked out my window only to see a blanket of white covering everything!!Well kid's I hope you enjoyed it because we are stuck in doors once again.
Needless to say we in patiently wait for the real spring to show it's warm days, green trees and blooming flowers!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


On Saturday we took the boys sledding with the four wheelers. Jentry had a blast being pulled around on the sled by the wheeler. He had a hard time trying to stay on but the dog thought she we make it more challenging by grabbing his boot and trying to drag him off the sled!! Needless to say Jentry and Holly(the Dog)took full advantage of our snow day.But our little Mason on the other hand didn't want to ride on the wheelers or go sledding that day instead he just hung out chillin in his cool shades and pretended to drive daddy's truck!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mega Blocks, Friend or Foe?

So my little Mason has become a magnet for random accidents. Today while I was working out Mason was playing with what I thought was a perfectly harmless toy. But come to find out those big fat Mega Blocks that every kid owns are just an accident waiting to happen! Poor little guy fell down and got jabbed square in the eye, which led to bleeding and a lot of crying. So needless to say don't be fooled by there bright fun color and shape, they are a deceptive little toy that should not be underestimated!!!
Or on the other hand maybe it's just Mason who looks to be accident prone!!
Fyi the doctor said his eye should be good as new very soon!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mason's 1st Birthday!!

They grow up so fast

He wasn't quite sure what to do with all that cake

But he figured it out !

Do you want a Taste!!!

Cake in the eye, Oh well mom will clean it off!

How long will my sugar buzz last- HeHe!
Mason had a great Birthday Party, thanks to everyone that came and shared his special day and had a good laugh!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our living room is a scary place to go barefoot!

A typical night a the warner household, Mason decided to dump all the cars out of the bin and then sit in it!

It just goes to show you that you should just buy boxes and bins because they are way more fun to play with than actual toys!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Boys

They are best buddies!