Saturday, May 23, 2009

Where does the time go?

So I can't believe it Jentry graduated from kindergarten.I don't remember him growing up so fast I swear we were just potty training him last year.Now he rides the bus to school all by himself, he has a social life and girls OH MY the girls I see trouble in our future already!
They had the cutest little program,I love it when the kids sing some of them are hilarious.Of course Jentry just kept looking at me and rolling his eyes like he was to cool for the whole thing!It makes me sad and proud at the same time.So we have twelve more years to go,let's hope the time doesn't fly by as fast this time.
It just goes to show you that you really should cherish every moment because one day your going to turn around and they will be all grown up and moving on!

1 comment:

  1. Awww that makes me a little sad. I wish they could just stay little forever. I can so picture him rolling his eyes. He's so funny. The second picture of him with his graduation hat on looks EXACTLY like Jesse! Total double take! CONGRATULATIONS to a handsome smart cookie! Tell him Aunt Callie is super proud of him! :o)
